Parking this here today, as Substack announces their news publishing platform strategy, as a reminder that 1) people don’t listen the first time they’re warned, and 2) never takes long for harsh reality to unfold.
Over the skies of New Jersey
A bit long and involved, describes “a textbook example of how rumors propagate: a sort of contagion, spread through social networks, shifting how people perceive patterns and interpret anomalies.”
Bluesky, federation and the Ulysses Pact
As usual, Cory Doctorow is spot on. Always know where the exit is.
“Bluesky lacks the one federated feature that is absolutely necessary for me to trust it: the ability to leave Bluesky and go to another host and continue to talk to the people I’ve entered into community with there.”
The tech realignment against democracy
When governments are forced to choose between trade relations and digital sovereignty, which way will they go? You know the answer already.
“Who got eaten, who ate them”
Absolutely brilliant meditation by Erin Kissane on the state of the public surface of the Internet. Mostly for industry people who have been wrestling with this for a long long time, but also for those who would like to be more thoughtful about the places in which they stand.